Alpha acids content in Czech hops from the harvest of 2021 – forecast, reality, trends


  • Karel Krofta Hop Research Institute, Kadaňská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic
  • Gabriela Fritschová Hop Research Institute, Kadaňská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic
  • Alexandr Mikyška Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Lípová 511/15, 120 00, Prague 2, Czech Republic
  • Klára Belešová Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Lípová 511/15, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
  • Dagmar Vojtěchová V.F. HUMULUS, 270 04 Hořesedly 152, Czech Republic
  • Jana Tichá Chmelařství, Cooperative Žatec, Mostecká 2580, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic



hops, alpha acids, Saaz hops, hybrid varieties, weather conditions


From the brewing and commercial point of view, the content of alpha acids is one of the most important quality parameter of hops, which is subject to significant annual fluctuations. The established system for evaluating the content of alpha acids in Czech hops consists of pre-harvest and harvest predictions and a detailed analysis of reality based on the analysis of all purchasing lots of raw hops. It is differentiated according to varieties and hop growing areas. This article presents the results of the 2021 harvest, discusses the influence of weather conditions, the age of hop gardens and virus-free seedlings on the harvest results, and the relationship of predictions to reality. The average content of alpha acids in the majority Saaz variety in the Žatec, Úštěk and Tršice areas was 4.45, 4.20 and 3.36% by weight in the original respectively. In all areas, the alpha acids content has been significantly affected by the age of the hop growths. The total production of alpha acids in hops harvested in the Czech Republic in 2021 was 414.5 tons. The harvest is the highest in the last 25 years; the result is due to the combination of two factors, both high yield per hectare and high alpha acids content.


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Hop sampling sites within the processing of pre-harvest forecasts for Saaz in the Žatec region




How to Cite

Krofta, K., Fritschová, G., Mikyška, A., Belešová, K., Vojtěchová, D., & Tichá, J. (2022). Alpha acids content in Czech hops from the harvest of 2021 – forecast, reality, trends. KVASNY PRUMYSL, 68(1), 564-571.
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