Honey Mead Fermentation from Thai Stingless Bee (Tetragonula leaviceps) Honey using Ethanol Tolerant Yeast


  • Pimprapa Chaijak Microbial Fuel Cell & Bioremediation Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand; Microbial Technology for Agriculture, Food and Environment Research Center, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand
  • Purimprach Sinkan Microbial Fuel Cell & Bioremediation Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand
  • Santipap Sotha Microbial Fuel Cell & Bioremediation Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand




stingless bee, honey wine, ethanol, fermented food, beverage


Honey mead is a well-known conventional alcoholic beverage made by microbial fermentation of diluted honey. The selection of prospective yeasts for inoculation of honey-must with regard to honey mead quality determines the quality of mead production. The yeast consortium tolerant to ethanol stress was selected for this study using an enrichment technique. The activity of the invertase enzyme and the level of ethanol tolerance have been investigated. Thai stingless bee honey was used as a substrate, and the selected ethanol tolerant yeast consortium was used for mead fermentation. The results revealed that the PP03 had the highest invertase activity of 75.13±9.16 U/mL and the highest ethanol tolerance level of 12%. This is the first study using an ethanol tolerant yeast consortium to ferment honey mead from Thai stingless bee honey.



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Illustration photo - mead wine




How to Cite

Chaijak, P., Sinkan, P., & Sotha, S. (2021). Honey Mead Fermentation from Thai Stingless Bee (Tetragonula leaviceps) Honey using Ethanol Tolerant Yeast. KVASNY PRUMYSL, 67(5), 503-510. https://doi.org/10.18832/kp2021.67.503
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