New fine aroma varieties of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) Saaz Brilliant, Saaz Comfort, Saaz Shine and Mimosa
hop, Humulus lupulus L., yield, essential oils, resins, variabilityAbstract
Four new aroma hop varieties – Saaz Brilliant, Saaz Comfort, Saaz Shine and Mimosa – were registered in the Czech Republic in 2019. All of the new hop varieties have significantly higher yields than the traditional Saaz aroma variety. Saaz Comfort has the significantly highest content of alpha acids (5.59%) whereas Mimosa has the significantly lowest content of alpha acids (1.90%). The Saaz Comfort and Saaz Brilliant varieties show a variability of alpha acid content below 20%. The other hop varieties, Saaz Shine and Mimosa, as well as Saaz, have a variability of alpha acid content above 25%. Mimosa has the significantly highest content of beta acids (6.07%). Mimosa shows the highest average cohumulone content (29.29% rel.) whereas Saaz Comfort has the lowest cohumulone content (18.04% rel.). Saaz Comfort and Saaz Shine have the highest average contents of hop essential oils (0.84% w. and 0.75% w., respectively). The Saaz, Saaz Shine and Saaz Brilliant varieties show the significantly highest farnesene contents (13.47% rel., 12.50% rel. and 12.38% rel., respectively), which are higher than those of Saaz Comfort and Mimosa.