Evaluation of variability of the content of alpha and beta acids in Czech bittering hop varieties (Humulus lupulus L.)


  • Vladimír Nesvadba Hop Research Institute, Kadanská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic
  • Lenka Straková Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
  • Gabriela Fritschová Hop Research Institute, Kadanská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic
  • Jana Olšovská Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Lípová 15, 120 44 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Jitka Charvátová Hop Research Institute, Kadanská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic
  • Sabina Trnková Hop Research Institute, Kadanská 2525, 438 01 Žatec, Czech Republic




hop, Humulus lupulus L., alpha acid content, beta acid content, variability, linear regression


Czech bitter varieties were evaluated between 2010 and 2022. Hop varieties displayed an average content of alpha acids between 10.24% w/w (Agnus) and 13.73% w/w (Gaia). Variability below 15%, proved good stability of alpha acids content in all tested bittering hops. All varieties showed a decrease in the content of alpha acids over a period of 13 years of hop cultivation. The highest content of beta acids was determined in Gaia (7.30% w/w). In contrast, the lowest content of beta acids was found in Rubín (3.73% w/w). The new bitter genotypes Uran and 5304 had an average alpha acid content of 11.56% w/w and 10.82% w/w, respectively. Uran showed an average beta acid content of 5.47% w/w and for the genotype 5304 it was 3.61% w/w. In terms of the alpha/beta acids ratio, the hop varieties can be divided into three groups. The first group included the varieties with an alpha/beta acids ratio below 2, i.e. Vital, Boomerang and Gaia. While Agnus and Uran displayed an alpha/beta ratio slightly above 2. The highest alpha/beta ratio above 3 was found in Rubín and the 5303 genotype.


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How to Cite

Nesvadba, V., Straková, L., Fritschová, G., Olšovská, J., Charvátová, J., & Trnková, S. (2023). Evaluation of variability of the content of alpha and beta acids in Czech bittering hop varieties (Humulus lupulus L.). KVASNY PRUMYSL, 69(2), 719–725. https://doi.org/10.18832/kp2023.69.719
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