Barley varieties registered in the Czech Republic after the harvest of 2021
barley, variety, malting qualityAbstract
Ten new varieties of malting barley were registered in the Czech Republic after the 2021 harvest. After four years of testing, the malting barley varieties Fangio and LG Slovan were registered, and after three years of testing, the spring barley varieties Evgenia, Guzel, LG Flamenco, LG Lodestar, LG Sedlak, Schiwago, SY Solar and the winter barley variety Suez were registered. Based on the results obtained, LG Slovan and LG Sedlak were recommended for the production of beer with the protected geographical indication 'České pivo'. These varieties showed low activity of proteolytic and cytolytic enzymes and low level of final attenuation. The other spring barley varieties (Evgenia, Fangio, Guzel, LG Flamenco, LG Lodestar, Schiwago and SY Solar) gave wort with extract contents ranging from 82.5 to 83.6 %, with Guzel, Evgenia, Fangio and Schiwago showing extract contents above 83 %. Proteolytic modification was mostly at an optimal level in these varieties, with only Fangio, Schwago and Guzel having the Kolbach index above 50 %. The β-glucan content in wort below 50 mg/l was recorded for Schiwago and Fangio. The level of final attenuation for these varieties ranged from 80.7 % to 82.8 %, while final attenuation level above 82.5 % was observed for the varieties Fangio and Guzel. LG Lodestar and SY Solar always produced clear wort. Low to zero lipoxygenase enzyme activity was found in LG Lodestar. The winter barley variety Suez gave malt with an average extract content of 81.9 %. Proteolytic modification, cell wall degradation and malt quality were at an optimal level. The β-glucan content was 158 mg/l.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Vratislav Psota, Olga Dvořáčková, Markéta Musilová
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